Jack Johnson - No Other Way

No Other Way
Jack Johnson
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Song lyrics

When your mind is a mess,
So is mine,
I can't sleep
Cause it hurts when I think,
My thoughts aren't at peace
With the plans that we make,
Chances we take,
They're not yours and not mine,
There's waves that can break,
All the words that we say
And the words that we mean,
Words can fall short,
Can't see the unseen
Cause the world is awake
For somebody's sake now,
Please close your eyes woman,
Please get some sleep

And know that if I knew
All the answers I would not
Hold them from you'd
Know all the things that I'd know
Cause we told each other
There is no other way

Well too much silence
Can be misleading,
You're drifting I can hear it
In the way that you're breathing,
We don't really need to find reason
Cause out the same door that it came,
Well it's leaving, it's leaving,
Leaving like a day that's done
And part of a season,
Resolve is just a concept
That's as dead as the leaves,
But at least we can sleep,
It's all that we need,
When we wake, we will find
Our minds will be free to go to sleep

And know that if I knew
All the answers I would not
Hold them from you'd
Know all the things that I'd know
Cause we told each other
There is no other way