Insanity Alert - listen to all songs
Glorious Thrash
Insanity Alert
The Claw
Insanity Alert
Zongo vs. Eyeball
Insanity Alert
Macaroni Maniac
Insanity Alert
Insanity Alert
Crucified by Zombies
Insanity Alert
Insanity Alert
Blunt In / Blunt Out
Insanity Alert
Insanity Alert
Shit for Brains
Insanity Alert
Twist-Off Betrayal
Insanity Alert
Mankind Eraser
Insanity Alert
Insanity Alert
Arac Attack
Insanity Alert
Run to the Pit
Insanity Alert
Insanity Alert
The Body of the Christ Is the Parasite
Insanity Alert
All Mosh / No Brain
Insanity Alert
Cobra Commander
Insanity Alert
Saturday Grind Fever
Insanity Alert
Echoes of Death
Insanity Alert
Windmilli Vanilli
Insanity Alert
Insanity Alert
Why so Beerious?
Insanity Alert
Mosh Mosh Mosh
Insanity Alert
One-Eye Is King
Insanity Alert
Welcome to Hell
Insanity Alert
Two Joints
Insanity Alert
Chronic State of Hate
Insanity Alert
I Come / I Fuck Shit up / I Leave
Insanity Alert
A Skullcrushin' Good Time
Insanity Alert
The Ballad of Slayer
Insanity Alert
Demons Get Out!
Insanity Alert
8 Bit Brutality
Insanity Alert
Death by Wrecking Ball
Insanity Alert
Dark Energon
Insanity Alert