James Covell - listen to all songs
Kudzu Zombies Main Titles
James Covell
Zombie Me This Zombie Me That
James Covell
Clowning Around at the Fair
James Covell
Creighton's Goat House
James Covell
Off for a Hike
James Covell
The Vine Within Thee
James Covell
Commandos Waste No Time in the City
James Covell
Tender Kudzu Moments
James Covell
Make an Escape Plan
James Covell
Think for a Moment
James Covell
James Covell
Kudzu Finale
James Covell
Main Title: Outcast
James Covell
Run Away
James Covell
Run Away Montage
James Covell
Outcast's Dance
James Covell
Roller Tap
James Covell
Gotta Dance
James Covell
End Titles
James Covell